Infographic: Second Term Recap

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to return to Parliament on 1 August 2017. It is the end of an eventful second term and News 24 recently published an article, “What did (and didn't) happen in Parliament this term” that recaps the news that made headlines during the ...

Infographic: Debt in South Africa

The National Credit Regulator (NCR) and National Treasury briefed the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on over-indebtedness in South Africa and on the debt relief measures under consideration. On 31 December 2016, there were 24.31 million credit active consumer of which 40% (9.76 million) are classified as impaired consumers. ...

Infographic: Domestic Violence

The 2016 South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS), a collaborative effort between Statistics South Africa and the worldwide Demographic and Health Survey Program also covered domestic and gender-based violence (GBV). Despite constitutional protections, GBV remains persistent and widespread in South Africa and violence against women occurs across socioeconomic status, ...

Infographic: Teenage Pregnancy & Sexual Behaviour

The 2016 South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS 2016) is the third survey to be conducted in South Africa with Statistics South Africa collaborating with the worldwide Demographic and Health Survey Program. Teenage mothers are more likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcomes, and find it more difficult to pursue ...

Infographic: Budget Votes - How does it work?

Committees have been meeting for two weeks with departments and their entities to pore over their strategic and annual performance plans, budgets and performance targets in preparation for reports to be considered by the House. The focus now shifts to the House budget vote debates that commence tomorrow, 16 May ...

Parliament 2017: First term review

With the first parliamentary term wrapped up, we take a look at legislative activity from this period. This quarterly review takes a quick look at the number of working days, Bills processed, written questions posed by Members and replied to by the Executive and petitions considered by Committees from 24 ...

How to remove a sitting President

There are two constitutional processes to remove a President: Motion of No Confidence and Removal of President.

Section 102: Motion of No Confidence needs a 51% vote. For the Motion to carry, it needs 201 MPs to vote in favour (151 opposition MPs and 50 ANC MPs). MPs can go ...

Infographic: Cabinet Reshuffle

President Zuma made 20 changes to the national executive late Thursday (30 March 2017) evening. The changes that created the most uproar by far are to the Finance Ministry that sees both the Minister, Pravin Gordhan and Deputy Minister Mcebisi Jonas relieved of their duties. In a surprise move the ...

Infographic: Food Security and Nutrition

The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) made a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture on the progress in implementation of the 2017-2022 National Food and Nutrition Security Plan in South Africa. They provided data on people at risk, government interventions, stakeholders as well.

The right to food ...

Infographic: Municipal debt

On Wednesday 8 March 2017, Eskom made a presentation on defaulting municipalities to the Standing Committee on Appropriations. Eskom followed the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act process and applied to the High Court to be allowed to cut electricity to municipalities who were owing R10.2 billion to Eskom. On 5 ...

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