Infographic: Water and Sanitation

Statistics South Africa published its Water and Sanitation Report based on the General Household Survey: 2002-2015 on 23 November 2016. The report notes that in order to address poverty and under-development, the government has prioritised the provision of basic water and sanitation services to the poor because of the perceived ...

Infographic: Debt in SA

In May 2016, the National Credit Regulator briefed the Portfolio Committee on the feasibility of a debt forgiveness programme. Currently over 10 million South Africans have impaired credit records and this prompted the Committee to engage with stakeholders in November 2016 on the viability of a debt relief programme. Inputs ...

Infographic: SASSA beneficiaries

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) presented its 2015/16 annual report to the Select Committee on Social Services on Tuesday, 8 November 2016. In its report, the Agency provided a status report on beneficiaries of social assistance, social assistance trends per province, as well as child grant beneficiaries.

The ...

Infographic: Constitutional Awareness in SA

The Foundation for Human Rights told the Justice Portfolio Committee this week that a 2011 baseline study on the awareness of the constitution and its bill of rights, found that less than only 46% of 4 200 respondents were aware of either of these important documents. In light of this, ...

Infographic: Skills Supply and Demand in SA

The 2016 Skills Supply and Demand Report was published by the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), a research consortium led by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training. This first report on skills supply and demand will contribute to the skills ...

Infographic: 2015/16 Departmental audit outcomes

National departments are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), where an audit opinion is given based on a department's financial statements. In forming an audit opinion, AGSA determines the financial health of departments and if its performance met its predetermined objectives and if the financial ...

Infographic: Food security

In its briefing to the agriculture portfolio committee on 11 October 2016, the Department on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) provided an analysis of food security and vulnerability to hunger. Drought had a severe effect on the cultivation of land and food production. A mere 6% of the targeted 18 ...

Infographic: Fifth Parliament - third term review

With the third term (17 August to 23 September) of Parliament done and dusted, the People’s Assembly takes a look at some of the legislature’s activities from this period.

The review provides a snapshot of the number of working days, bills processed, oral replies by the President and petitions tabled ...

Infographic: Policing Gangsterism

On 21 September 2016, the South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on its integrated approach in dealing with gangsterism. Cabinet tasked the National Intelligence Coordinating Committee (NICOC) in 2014 to prepare a threat analysis looking at gangsterism as a national threat. At the same time ...

Infographic: Update on drought impact

On Tuesday, 20 September 2016, the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries heard briefings during the stakeholder engagement on the impact of drought and the implementation of the drought response plan. AgriSA said the South African agricultural sector has a turnover of R227 billion per and represents 2.5% of ...

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