Infographic: Rhino Poaching

As part of the colloquium on the preparations for the CITES COP17 Conference in South Africa, various inputs were made on the successes, challenges and pitfalls in anti-rhino poaching strategies on 13 September 2016.

According to Dr Sam Ferreira, SANParks Large Mammal Ecologist, South Africa is home to 36% of ...

Infographic: Age of Criminal Capacity

The Department of Justice and Correctional Services is reviewing the minimum age of criminal capacity, with a view to raising it.

In a briefing to a joint meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services and Select Committee on Education and Recreation, the Department said that the current ...

Infographic: 2015/16 National Crime Statistics

On Friday 2 September 2016 the South African Police Services (SAPS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on the 2015/16 National Crime Statistics.

According to SAPS, significant strides have been made in efforts to reduce all categories of serious crime except contact crimes. Contact crimes refer to those "crimes where ...

Infographic: Public Protector Candidates

In its meetings since June 2016, the Ad Hoc Committee on the Appointment of the Public Protector has now selected the final 5 candidates to be considered. The Chairperson attributed the unprecedented number of nominations (73) to the level of public awareness and participation. Of those nominations, 59 candidates accepted ...

Infographic: Female councillors in the metros

Code4SA has published a detailed blog that looks at PR and ward lists across parties and the wards won by women across the country.

In the 8 metros, results show the following interesting items:

  • All 252 women that won wards in the 8 metros represent either the ANC (61%) or ...

Infographic: Election results - Metros

The 2016 Municipal Elections concluded and Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)declared the elections free and fair on Saturday, 6 August 2016.

The African National Congress (ANC) retained majority support in 5 (Buffalo City, City of Johannesburg, Ekhurhuleni, eThekwini and Mangaung) of the 7 metros the party controlled since 2011. However, the ...

Infographic: Voting in the 2016 Municipal Elections

With just a few days to go before the 2016 Local Government Elections, The IEC’s publication: A Guide to the 2016 Municipal Elections (can be downloaded from gives a clear step-by step breakdown on what voters can expect when they report to their voting stations. They also remind ...

Infographic: How long does it take to pass and enact Bills?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes for a Bill to pass in Parliament and become an Act? Some complain that the process takes too long, while others argue that it is rushed. In this article, we provide some answers by sharing data, examining some causes/theories and highlighting a ...

Infographic: What will we vote for?

South Africans will be going to the polls on 3 August 2016 for the fourth local government elections since democracy. The Dullah Omar Institute recently published a manual, Electing Councillors: A Guide to Municipal Elections that, according to the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, "provides us with further ...

Infographic: Update on the appointment of the Public Protector

The President has to appoint the Public Protector for a non-renewable term of 7 years, on the recommendation of the National Assembly. Adv Thuli Madonsela's term ends on 19 October 2016 and the process for the appointment of her successor kicked off in May 2016 through the establishment of an ...

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