Infographic: Parliament 2016 - second term review

With the second term term (4 April to 27 May 2016) of Parliament done and dusted, the People’s Assembly takes a look at some of the Legislature’s activities from this period. The review provides a snapshot of the number of working days, bills processed, oral replies by the President and ...

Infographic: SA's hardest working MPs

In a recently published article for Africa Check, Laura Grant highlighted the “hardest working MPs” by looking at what MPs earn and their committee attendance. MPs’ work is divided into parliamentary sessions and constituency periods and the Composite Parliamentary Programme 2015 shows that committee meeting days comprised 60% of the ...

Infographic: 2014/15 Municipal audit outcomes

The auditor-general (AG) reported the audit results of South Africa’s municipalities over the past 5 years during a media briefing on 1 June 2016. In its annual audits, the AG examines fair representation of financial statements, reliable and credible performance information on predetermined performance objectives and compliance with all legislation ...

Infographic: SAPS Hotspots Interventions

The South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on current interventions made in ‘hotspots’ around the country. SAPS adopted an integrated policing approach to manage public protests that led to civil unrest. Operations are initiated on the basis of National Threat Assessments conducted by intelligence structures. ...

Infographic: Are we ready for the 2016 Municipal Elections?

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) met with the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs to present the Commission’s readiness for the upcoming 2016 Municipal Elections on Tuesday, 17 May 2016. The briefing covered the final wards delivered by the Municipal Demarcation Board, the number of voting districts, the voters roll and ...

Infographic: Quarterly Labour Force Survey - 2016

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years and above who live in South Africa. The QLFS for the First Quarter (Q1) of 2016 was first released ...

Infographic: Mining - occupational diseases, injuries & fatalities

The Department of Mineral Resources presented its 2016 Annual Performance Plan to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. As a prelude to its Mine Health and Safety programme plan, they provided an overview of the prevalence of occupational diseases, fatality rates and injury rates. The ...

Infographic: Women and the 2016 Local Government Elections

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) presented the status and progress of the 50/50 campaign in terms of female political representation at local government level. South Africa will be holding its local government elections on 3 August 2016 and it is an opportune time to improve on gender representation ...

Infographic: Performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme

The Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on the performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) on 12 April 2016. EPWP is a government initiative that aims to create work opportunities in four sectors, namely, Infrastructure; Non-State; Environment and Culture; and Social. It is ...

Infographic: Higher Education Budget Analysis

The Financial Fiscal Commission (FFC) presented an analysis of the of the Department of Higher Education and Training’s 2016/17 budget to the Portfolio Committee on 5 April 2016. They identified the implications of the 0% fee increase for 2016, the the broader issue of free tertiary education and limited state ...

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