THIS WEEK IN PARLIAMENT: The Economy, Legislation and more in the spotlight.

We are mid-way through the second term and the programme has a familiar pattern this week: the legislature has scheduled committee meetings, oversight visits and sittings in the main chambers.

A debate to commemorate National Women’s Day is a standing item on the agenda and is held every year. This ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, Oral Questions & Important Hearings.

Last week, Parliament was the scene of mass protests as thousands took to the streets to protest against gender-based violence and the killing of young women and children. The catalyst for the protests was the rape and murder of 19-year-old UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana.

In 2008, a series of violent ...

Gender Matters: Fifth Parliament

We wrap-up Women’s month by looking at what Parliament has to say about how government is addressing the needs of women in society and what solutions it is coming up with.

The Legislature has two committees, namely the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disability and the Joint ...

Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology 2019/20 Priorities

In December 2017, President Jacob Zuma announced that government will subsidise free higher education for poor and working class students.

This statement followed months of pressure and protests by the #FeesMustFall movement that demanded government stop the increase in tuition fees and increase its funding of universities.

Since the start ...

Why didn’t she declare?

by Gaile Fullard

Recently Twitter was asking this question – as elected representatives are annually required to declare benefits they receive from others. Check out the declarations on the People's Assembly website.

The 2019 Register is not available yet - the disclosure deadline is 13 September 2019 - but all ...

The Week Ahead: Week of parliamentary action

An eclectic week of parliamentary action beckons in the main chambers and Committee Corridor.

A combination of Question Time sessions, a sectoral parliament, oversight visits, legislative business and a few high-profile Committee meetings, should mean plenty of fizz.

The Women’s Parliament – which is an annual event on the legislature’s ...

Department of Women, Youth & Persons with Disbailities Priorities for 2019/20

On the 9th of July 2019, the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, delivered the 2019 Budget Vote speech which is meant to give the public an indication of what the departments budget for the year is and highlight what the key ...

The Week Ahead: MPs return & President appears

This session runs for five weeks and will be packed with activities. Some of the highlights include Committee and oversight work; oral questions to the Executive; important debates; training of lawmakers and the Women’s Parliament. In addition, Parliament will begin the appointment process for several government bodies and consider a ...

First Term Review: Sixth Parliament

Parliament’s first term ended last week. According to the programme, the term was 11 weeks but the main thrust of the work was compressed into the final 5 weeks of the quarter.

A lot was done in this first term: new parliamentary leadership was elected, the second State of the ...

The Week Ahead: End of the First Term

A lot was packed into the first term of the Sixth Parliament 22July2019

New Members were registered, sworn-in and received training. In addition, the legislature elected new leadership, had a second State of the Nation Address, set up structures, and assigned Members to Committees.

A big chunk of the time was ...

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