Infographic: Service Delivery Protests

The Civic Protest Barometer (CPB), published by the Dullah Omar Institute on 24 November 2016, measures trends in protest action in South Africa's municipalities. The 2016 CPB tracks trends in the number of protests, the geographical spread of protests, trends in violent civic protest and grievances behind protest action. It ...

The week ahead: Taking Parliament to the People, SABC Inquiry, Interviews...

The endgame of the current parliamentary year is fast approaching. There are only four weeks left before Parliament rises and loose ends are gradually being knitted together.

This week could see the finalisation of the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill. The division of revenue lays down how the total government ...

Decisions on public money not that democratic when the majority is not heard

By Steven Friedman



WHEN South Africans debate how public money should be spent, we can be sure that the voices of most of the people will never be heard.

The conflict over university fee increases is the latest example. We are told that "the students" want some ...

The Week Ahead: Public Protector Recommendation, Ministerial Question Time, Debates…

It's a busy week in the main chambers and committee corridor. Everything from Ministerial question time, to debates of public importance, to statutory appointments, to legislative business, to motions and members' statements dominate the plenary agenda. Beyond this, Parliament has scheduled a joint sitting on Thursday to mark Women's Day. ...

Seminar: What drives SA's violent protests?


Lizette Lancaster, Manager, Crime and Justice Information Hub, ISS will discuss the latest trends at this seminar. Courtney Sampson, Western Cape Electoral Officer, will also share from his experience.

Event information Date: 26th July 2016 Time: 9:30 am for 10:00am – 12:00pm Venue: 6 Spin Street, Cape Town

Please RSVP ...

Photo Essay: Service Delivery in Dunoon and Joe Slovo Park

Photo Essay: Service Delivery in Dunoon and Joe Slovo Park

Municipalities must ensure that people in their areas have at least the basic services they need. There are a large number of services that they provide, the most important of which are: water supply, sewage collection and disposal, housing, refuse ...

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