6. On 16 February 2012, the Ethics Committee considered her comments but disagreed as it felt that the review of Ms Myles's capacity to carry out her duties of office in an efficient manner was fair. Ms Myles was still on sick leave and it was unclear when she would return to work. The Ethics Committee, therefore, resolved to recommend to the Commission that Ms Myles be removed from office due to continued ill- health. It, however, noted that the expert opinion suggested that she be accommodated, where possible. The question was whether it was possible to accommodate her as recommended given her sick leave history and the extent to which she had already been accommodated in terms of sick and vacation leave. The relevant Cluster Head was approached, who confirmed that "the judicial officers at Upington are struggling to cope under the normal workload. During the last judicial staff establishment investigation it was recommended that one further post of magistrate is required at Upington due to the increased workload. The post has not been created yet and the Magistrate at Kenhardt is assisting at Upington three days per week. The heavy workload at Upington court requires dedicated, versatile and hardworking magistrates who are able to assist across all divisions on a daily basis. There is no less stressful court and/or environment at Upington Court".