Why is there a focus on professionalising local government?

professionalising local govt

Access to basic municipal services is a right enshrined in Section 152 (1) of the Constitution. The Constitution states that the purpose of local government is to provide a democratic and accountable government to local communities; to ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner; to promote ...

The 4 W’s and H of By-Elections


On the 11th of November, affected South African in 95 wards across the country will be making their way to cast their votes in this year’s municipal by-elections. Unlike the general national elections, where all South African citizens who are 18 years and older can vote, the by-elections take place ...

By-elections Survey Findings


Voter turnout for by-elections, which are used to fill political offices that become vacant between general elections, has historically lagged behind that for municipal, provincial and national elections. There are many reasons why this is the case. In our October survey, we looked at voter attitudes and views on ...

Mr Tekoetsile Motlashuping (ANC)


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics and in particular, what drew you to your specific party? I joined the African National Congress (ANC) through the United Democratic Front (UDF) in 1983. At the time I was involved in the National Education Coordinating Committee (NECC) ...

Digging deeper into Elections 2016: A detailed look at electoral participation and party support


The Institute for Security Studies, Democracy Works and the Goedgedacht Forum would like to invite you to attend: Digging deeper into Elections 2016: A detailed look at electoral participation and party support.

The seminar will be addressed by Dr Collette Shulz-Herzenberg (Lecturer - Politics at Stellenbosch University) and Dr William ...

Infographic: Female councillors in the metros

Code4SA has published a detailed blog that looks at PR and ward lists across parties and the wards won by women across the country.

In the 8 metros, results show the following interesting items:

  • All 252 women that won wards in the 8 metros represent either the ANC (61%) or ...

Infographic: Election results - Metros

The 2016 Municipal Elections concluded and Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)declared the elections free and fair on Saturday, 6 August 2016.

The African National Congress (ANC) retained majority support in 5 (Buffalo City, City of Johannesburg, Ekhurhuleni, eThekwini and Mangaung) of the 7 metros the party controlled since 2011. However, the ...

Editorial:Politicians Must Bridge Chasms


THE conclusion of the 2016 local government elections is an important and happy political moment for SA. Faced with the option of either retreating into tradition or accepting the responsibility of choice, South Africans by and large chose the latter.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves," ...

Ms Tabiso Wana (ANC)


What is your political background? I entered politics from the working class point of view and I am among those that had spent some time incarcerated for my involvement in the political unrest prior to 1994. This was post matric in a rural area called Qhumanco Village of Cofimvaba.

Around ...

Ask Mayoral candidates to commit to making accessible all Service Delivery Agreements with businesses


Have you seen your municipality's Service Delivery Agreements (SDAs) with businesses it contracts? No idea what that is? Well, it often feels like that’s the way many political candidates want it to stay. You see, the Municipal Systems Act states SDAs must be made public [1], so that people like ...

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