The Week Ahead: Curtailed Programme

Just like the rest of the country, Parliament vibrates with concern about the recent spate of xenophopic attacks . As part of countrywide efforts to counter these incidents, the legislature has suspended its plenary sittings for this week to allow MPs to go to their constituencies and mobilise their communities ...

Right2Know marches against xenophobia


The Right2Know Campaign calls on all South Africans to join hands and lead the fight against Xenophobia. R2K is calling on the South African Police Service to practice restraint and calm, and to respect the rights of people to freely express their disapproval of xenophobic violence. They are asking government ...

The week ahead: All Action in the Committee Corridor

With no sittings scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action this week.

MPs will spend a considerable time meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and budgets.

In between, there's some detailed legislating as MPs ...

LiveMagSA: Xenophobia - what is government doing about it?

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This Wednesday, Deputy Minister Cyril Ramaphosa was in parliament to answer questions from members of the National Council of Provinces. A question or two was dedicated to the ongoing energy crisis and government’s plans to arrest the decline into a full blown crisis. But perhaps the most ...

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