Following last week’s tabling of the emergency budget, Parliament has had to reconsider its July recess period. This will have knock-on effect on the Legislature’s programme for the rest of the year.

Speaking at the National Assembly Programming Committee meeting last Thursday, House Chairperson Frolick explained that some departments ...

2020 Draft Bills

2020 Draft Bills

Constitutional Review Survey Findings


Every year (excluding an election year), the Joint Constitutional Review Committee is mandated by both Houses of Parliament to seek written public submissions on the annual review of the Constitution.

To go along with this year’s invitation for comments, we decided to test the public’s view on this. The findings ...

The Week Ahead: COVID-19, Legislation & More


Parliament’s month-long constituency period was supposed to start this week; however it has been pushed back to the end of June to allow the legislature to continue carrying out oversight over government’s COVID-19 response, pass the budget and consider other business.

After several intense weeks, there is a slight lull ...

MP representative for Pan African Parliament helps us commemorate the importance of Africa Day

Africa Day

Today is Africa Day, and all African countries celebrate this day annually on 25 May. The day is intended to commemorate the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963, now commonly known as the African Union (AU).

The African Union has a legislative arm known as the ...

The Week Ahead: First Hybrid Sitting

this week in parli

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business.

The highlights include Question Time Session, Africa Day commemoration, special NCOP Virtual Engagement; Women’s Charter Review, legislative business, interviews and important Committee hearings.

The sheer scale of COVID-19 means it touches almost every aspect of government - everywhere ...

MP’s celebrate one year since being sworn into office.

The 22nd of May 2020 marks one year since MP’s of the sixth Parliament were sworn into office. The composition of Parliament is now more youthful and representative than it used to be. To commemorate this anniversary, we interviewed two MP’s who have paved the way for many young people ...

The Week Ahead: Budget hearings & Legislation

Virtual meeting

It’s week five of the virtual Parliament.

The legislature reached a milestone last Friday when it marked the 100th virtual meeting of its oversight committees.

The Coronavirus pandemic has seen a traditional, archaic and slow-moving institution transform into one trying to embrace experimentation and technology.

Some innovations are temporary and ...

Covid-19 Survey Findings

covid blog picture

From 8 April to 5 May 2020 we conducted a Covid-19 online survey. The aim of the survey was to drive audience engagement and to get a general idea of perspectives around COVID-19, the lockdown and related matters. The results are largely a reflection of those who came across the ...

The Week Ahead: Full of week of budget-related meetings


It’s the second of week of budget-related meetings and the pace is quickening.

The schedule is packed as Committees continue to interrogate departments and entities on their budgets, targets and priorities for the year ahead.

As part of their oversight work, Committees have a constitutional mandate to scrutinise and thereafter ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

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