Here is what you need to know about the call for a Basic Income Grant

South Africa’s poor economic conditions coupled with a steep rise in unemployment provides an opportune moment for the government to rethink its social welfare programmes, as more people become vulnerable to poverty.

Several calls have been made for a Basic Income Grant, with some proposing a universal basic income grant. ...

The Week Ahead: End of Term & Independent Panel Report on Public Protector

end of term and independt panel on PP

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to sign off at the end of the week and resume on 4 May 2021.

Not everyone will be on a break though. A few committees, with urgent business, have arranged meetings during this period.

There is no opportunity to go through the ...

International Women's Day - 8 March


Today, 8 March 2021, marks International Women’s Day – a day to commemorate and celebrate the vital role women play the world over. In the global Parliamentary space, only 24% of women occupy parliamentary seats across the world.

The Legislature has two dedicated committees for women, namely the > Portfolio ...

The Week Ahead: Question Time with the Deputy President & Mini debates

Week ahead Question time

It’s the penultimate week of the first term but there’s plenty to do in the remaining days and the legislature has scheduled a busy programme in the main chambers and committee corridor.

The practice of oral questions is an established part of the parliamentary day and gives MPs an opportunity ...

2021 1st Quarter Parliament Programme

The previous year has presented Parliament with a myriad of challenges, one sticking point being Covid-19 and its impact on how Parliament functioned, and how oversight was conducted.

It seems the first quarter of Parliament will continue to function as a hybrid, due to Covid-19, and the usual activities for ...

#SONA2021 All You Need To Know


1. What is the SONA?

It is an annual address given by the President to a joint session of Parliament and marks the official opening of the legislature. It is designed to be a report on the economic and social state of the nation, and includes a review of the ...

Review of Parliament 2020

Annual review 2020

Following the transition to a virtual/hybrid Parliament in April, the 2020 parliamentary year came to an end on 9 December.

It was an unprecedented year

In March, Parliament took a decision to suspend its programme as a precautionary measure due to COVID-19, which saw a drastic limit to the number ...

The 4 W’s and H of By-Elections


On the 11th of November, affected South African in 95 wards across the country will be making their way to cast their votes in this year’s municipal by-elections. Unlike the general national elections, where all South African citizens who are 18 years and older can vote, the by-elections take place ...

By-elections Survey Findings


Voter turnout for by-elections, which are used to fill political offices that become vacant between general elections, has historically lagged behind that for municipal, provincial and national elections. There are many reasons why this is the case. In our October survey, we looked at voter attitudes and views on ...

The Week Ahead: Men’s Parliament, Mini-Plenaries & Legislation

3 weeks until parli rises

There are three weeks left until Parliament rises for the year.

In the remaining days, lawmakers are scheduled to vote on several Bills, approve government spending, hold debates, scrutinise government performance, consider statutory appointments and instruments and finalise assorted Committee Reports.

The NA chamber has a full programme and will ...

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