Mr Marius Redelinghuys - DA


Political background: I went to Grade 1 in 1994, which was a highly politicised time, and I was exposed to and grew up with the values, vision and principles of the ANC, and later the Constitution that the party helped negotiate. I have always been surrounded by politics in one ...

The Tunisian Transition and the Arab Spring: A talk by Amine Ghali

goedgedacht CSVR

The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and the Goedgedacht Forum for Social Reflection invite you to a public talk by Amine Ghali on ‘The Tunisian Transition and the Arab Spring’.

Amine Ghali is the Programme Director of Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM), where he works on ...

MY VOTE COUNTS Press Statement: MVC versus the Speaker

Yesterday, My Vote Counts went to the Constitutional Court to defend the Constitution and hold political parties to account. We asked the Constitutional Court to declare that Parliament has failed to fulfill its constitutional obligation to enact financial disclosure legislation to regulate private donations to political parties. This financial information ...

The Week Ahead: Committee meetings get underway ahead of SONA

The pre-State of the Nation Address (SONA) period is usually a low-key time in Parliament – quiet and uncontroversial.

There was shift in this trend this year as MPs met in the past two weeks to finalise proposals on how to tighten Parliament's rules. A dress code for parliamentarians, their ...

Parliament must serve the masses

By Professor Daniel Plaatjies

At the heart of this political impasse is the nature, form and structure of proportional party representation in Parliament, writes Daniel Plaatjies.

Parliamentary impasse is a consequence of unrepresentative representatives through the proportional representative (PR) system.

The current impasse in Parliament is a residue of the ...

The problem with Parliament

By Trevor Manuel

In the week Parliament fell into a chaos of #paybackthemoney, it’s a good idea to read this former minister’s ideas on how to fix it (note: it’s not about heckling, eviction or chanting)

While we have myriad democratic institutions that all play a role in supporting good ...

Op-Ed: Does parliament represent the people?

By Raymond Suttner.

Protests are an everyday feature of life in the new South Africa. This practical, lived experience raises questions that need examination. Does voting realise its promise, and does the system work for the electorate?

“The People Shall Govern!”- The Freedom Charter.

Images and reports of people taking ...

Squabble at Multi-Party Women’s Caucus election

Yesterday’s meeting of the Multi Party Women’s Caucus (MPWC) in Parliament ended up in a squabble between Chairperson Rosalia Morutoa from the ANC and the DA’s Dianne Robinson. The meeting started off with the election of the Deputy Chairperson. After the UDM’s NoCollege Majeke nominated IFP’s Sibongile Nkomo, Robinson said ...

2014-2024: “The Decade of the Artisan”

A matter of concern raised by students during the 2014 elections was the lack of employment opportunities for qualified graduates. The current skills market has undergone various changes in line with the future needs of the economy.

In the briefing by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to ...

DBSA bill back in Parliament

Amid the budget vote presentations, the Fifth Parliament’s first deliberations on actual legislation kicked off today when the Standing Committee on Finance was briefed by National Treasury on the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Amendment Bill. The DBSA Bill was actually tabled in the last Parliament prior to the ...

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